
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Ep. 60: Making Lemonade Out of Lemons - A Kid's COVID Perspective
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Adventure is the act of heading into the unknown, which is a great way to describe the last year and a half. We've already done a number of episodes talking about how we've been dealing with the changes that COVID has dropped on us but this time we talk with the kids about their experiences. Hudson and Amanda have weathered the storm and built new skills.

Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Ep. 59: Let‘s Go Hiking
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
It's time to go for a walk in the woods. Whether you call it hiking or trekking, anytime you go for a long walk in the dirt, you enter the world of nature, fitness, and self-reflection. Hiking is the experience you make it. It's a chance to distress, exercise, and enjoy a forest bath all at the same time.
- Kettlebell Training for Hikers and Backpackers https://www.livewildradio.com/post/kettlebell-training-for-hikers-and-backpackers
- 9 Reason Kettlebell Training is Optimal for the Outdoor Athlete https://www.livewildradio.com/post/9-reasons-kettlebell-training-is-optimal-for-the-outdoor-athlete
- #TrekTipTuesday - Ruck Marching for Hiking Fitness and Fat Loss https://www.livewildradio.com/post/trektiptuesday-ruck-marching-for-hiking-fitness
- Does Hiking Build Glutes https://www.livewildradio.com/post/does-hiking-build-glutes
- What is the Hardest Hike in the Adirondacks High Peaks https://www.livewildradio.com/post/what-is-the-hardest-hike-in-the-adirondack-high-peaks

Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Ep: 58 - Fitness for Mountain Biking
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
In our last episode, we introduced our listeners to mountain biking and why it is so much fun. Now we are getting into improving your fitness for riding the trails.

Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Ep. 57: Intro to Mountain Biking
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
What's got two wheels and goes BRRRRRR? Why us of course. Join us as we talk about hitting the dirt on our mountain bikes. Like most of the activities, we cover Winston has been doing it since the 1980s (Yes, he is old) and Catharine has started relatively recently. It works well to get the perspective from a new rider and the guy who used to race and own a bike shop.
For even more information see our article Top 6 Mountain Bike Destinations Near Collingwood, Ontario
Looking for fitness equipment and a discount? Check out Great Lakes Girya fitness equipment and use Coupon Code "LIVEWILD" to save 5% on any purchase meanwhile also supporting us.

Thursday May 20, 2021
Ep. 56: Fitness Game Changers
Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
During the last year, people have either made fitness a central focus in their lives or completely fallen off the boat. For people in the latter group, it isn't too late to make movement part of your lifestyle. And for the former give a listen and incorporate some of the ideas we discuss to keep making progress.
Looking for fitness equipment and a discount? Check out Great Lakes Girya fitness equipment and use Coupon Code "LIVEWILD" to save 5% on any purchase meanwhile also supporting us.
Also, check out related podcasts and blogs:
- Ep. 53: Kettlebell Training for the Outdoor Athlete
- LiveWild Radio's Favourite Exercises
- Training Secrets for the Outdoor Athlete
- Kettlebell Training for Hikers and Backpackers
- 9 Reasons Kettlebell Training is Optimal for the Outdoor Athlete
- Ruck Marching for Hiking Fitness and Fat Loss
- LiveWild Radio's 10 Training Commandments

Tuesday May 11, 2021
Ep. 55: Becoming Human with Wil Nelson
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Podcaster Wil Nelson joins us to talk about how adventure and sport help us become better people. Wil is a climber, jujitsu instructor and dad who strives to find ways to be a better human being. Along the way we meander into his upbringing, how he started a podcast and the difference between
Canada and the United States. We discuss ideas of how the stories we tell ourselves help shape how we see the world.
Check out Wil's podcast at www.becominghumanpodcast.com
PS- Looking for fitness equipment and a discount? Check out Great Lakes Girya fitness equipment and use Coupon Code "LIVEWILD" to save 5% on any purchase meanwhile also supporting us.

Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Ep. 54: How to Start Outdoor Rock Climbing with Joe Castillo
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
If you have ever wanted to start rock climbing but didn't know how then this episode is just right for you. We are joined by Joe Castillo, an expert climber and creator of the Climb Life app. Climb Life is the Uber of the climbing world, letting you hook up with expert climbing guides in an area to take you out climbing. This can be going to your local crag or hook you up when travelling to a new area.
We talk to Joe about how he started climbing and how he suggests you get into it. He has climbed all over the world and still has the stoke of someone who just discovered climbing yesterday. From the local climbing gym to finding mentors we have a great talk about all things climbing. Climbing is one of our favorite sports and will become one of yours if you give it a try.
Give a read to our companion article on How To Start Rock Climbing.
PS- Looking for fitness equipment and a discount? Check out Great Lakes Girya fitness equipment and use Coupon Code "LIVEWILD" to save 5% on any purchase meanwhile also supporting us.
Show Notes:
- Follow Joe Castillo at www.climblife.us or on Instagram @ ogclimblife
Related Climbing Blogs and Podcasts:
- Ep. 10: Eric Sigurdson – The Zen of Climbing
- Ep. 11: Cody Bradford – TechTipTuesday, Climbing Guide and Mountain Culture Tips and Philosophy
- Ep. 24: Gus Alexandropoulos, Ontario Climbing – The History and Politics of Climbing in Ontario
- Ep. 49: Ethan Salvo – Obsessed with the Rock (Canada’s Rising Boulderer)
- Blog: How to Build a Trad Rack

Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Ep. 53: Kettlebell Training For the Outdoor Athlete
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
With gyms closed for half of the last year we needed to really up our home gym game. But with the space in an apartment, barbells and a squat rack were out of the question. Winston has a background in using kettlebells to train athletes so a hybrid approach of kettlebells and
bodyweight exercises just kind of made sense for us.
While we were forced to do this it has turned out to be some of the most effective training we've undertaken. Increased strength, conditioning and fat loss all achieved in the front entry way of the apartment. Learn how a cannonball with a handle can help you achieve your outdoor fitness goals, making you a better hiker, climber or mountain biker.
We discuss our training, costs, and ideas to add kettlebell training to your workout plan. If you are looking at how to add fitness to your life and lose the Rona 15, then give a listen.
Show Notes:
Looking for fitness equipment and a discount? Check out Great Lakes Girya fitness equipment and use Coupon Code "LIVEWILD" to save 5% on any purchase meanwhile also supporting us.
- Check out our training blogs:

Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Ep. 52: Tessa Jennison - Adventure Racing for Humanity
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
We often pursue sports to fulfill some inner drive and goals. Very rarely does our individual pursuit extend beyond our own personal satisfaction. The world doesn't change because we set a personal record.
But when you take your passion for testing yourself and mate it with a cause, you can make a difference. Tessa Jennison joins us to talk about her adventure racing endeavors and how that lead to her current passion - community based endurance events that benefit the community.
From local adventure races to the televised Eco-Challenge in Fiji, Tessa has constantly pushed herself to find out what her limits were.
This led her to have the idea of a 1-day 65km trek across the whole of Waterloo region in the winter to bring attention to the plight of the homeless who have to live in those conditions. A one-off personal test, led to creating an annual event that merges physical challenge with activism. The Waterloo Region Crossing was born and now anyone can join to test themselves, as well help raise money and awareness for The Working Centre in Kitchener, Ontario.
Give a listen to get ideas on how you be part even if you don't live in our area.
Show Notes:
- World's Toughest Race - Eco-Challenge
- Wanna adventure race? Check out Canadian Adventure Racing Association or USA Adventure Racing Association
- Waterloo Region Crossing - Trekking 65km in 24hrs to raise awareness about homelessness. Fundraising to support The Working Centre
- Check out the Waterloo Region Crossing film and one trekker's take on the event in her blog - "Be Stronger Than Any Excuse You Sell Yourself" by Tina Cassidy
- Follow Waterloo Region Crossing on Facebook @WRCrossingTrek or Instagram @wrcrossingtrek

Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Ep. 51: Dean Douglas - Intentional Living
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Covid has given a lot time to consider our lives. Are we living intentionally or are we on autopilot?
Show Notes:
Dean Douglas lives in Penticton, BC and started his own business, Douglas Marketing Inc during the pandemic. Offering web design and marketing support for businesses of all sizes, his focus is to bring forth the best in companies by strategically sharing valuable, genuine content by being transparent and authentic.
Dean’s podcast, The Dean Douglas Show, began in Dec 2018 and features various guests each episode. Conversations worth sharing is the tagline/slogan of the podcast and each episode is different covering topics such as entrepreneurship, travel, food, tech, history, science, space, adventure and more.
Also, Dean started acting and hopes to land his first speaking role soon. Lastly, he mountain bikes, rock climbs, hikes and is loving the new BC lifestyle with his wife and dog.