
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Ep. 50 - Goal Setting in 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Even though the last year has been a chaotic mess for most people it doesn't mean we shouldn't still be trying to exert some control over the things we can. In this episode we talk about our goals for this year and some tips on goal setting. Rather than being tossed around aimlessly, goal setting gives you direction and purpose that will help keep you on track.
Unless you life is exactly what you want, learning how to set and accomplish goals will help you make it closer to your ideal existence. Along the way you will learn new things about yourself that will fine tune that direction. Come along on the journey with us as we all try to navigate the world and try to build a life worth living.

Friday Jan 15, 2021
Ep. 49: Ethan Salvo - Obsessed with the Rock (Canada's Rising Boulderer)
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Ethan Salvo has become one of the strongest rock climbers in Canada before he even finished high school. His determination to do the hardest boulder problems in Niagara Glen, Canada brought him to the attention of the climbing media including stories in Gripped Magazine. Now he has the distinction of putting up the hardest boulder problem in Ontario (Rite of Passage Low V14) which he did in the midst of the Covid pandemic.
We talk about his background, how he got into climbing, what it takes to climb at this level and some of his future goals. His approach to training and laser focus sets him apart from people who just enjoy climbing. A handful of moves on a school bus sized rock that are so hard not even a handful of people each year can do them. Going back to the same spot repeatedly, failing over and over but each time gaining a bit of skill and knowledge until he finally succeeded. If you want to learn what it takes to do superhuman things you will learn a lot from Ethan.
Download at Spotify, Stitcher, iTunes or where ever you get your podcasts or view on YouTube at LiveWild Radio.
Show Notes:
- Follow Ethan Salvo on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ethan.salvo.9
- Who Is Ontario’s Ethan Salvo? V13 in Under Three Years – Gripped Magazine September 20, 2022 https://gripped.com/profiles/who-is-ontarios-ethan-salvo-v13-in-under-three-years/
- Ethan Salvo and Ontario’s Hardest Boulder Problem? – Gripped Magazine – October 6, 2022 https://gripped.com/profiles/ethan-salvo-and-ontarios-hardest-boulder-problem/
- Ethan Salvo’s Major Send of Ontario’s Stairwell Project – Gripped Magazine – March 6, 2020 https://gripped.com/profiles/ethan-salvos-mega-send-of-ontarios-stairwell-project/
- Ethan Salvo Sends Ontario Crucifix Project - https://gripped.com/news/ethan-salvo-sends-ontario-crucifix-project-at-v12/
- Check out other similar podcasts about some of Ontario's finest climbing personalities:
- Ep. 45: Next Level Adventure - Erupting Volcanoes - Frederick Schuett https://www.livewildradio.com/podcast-1/episode/3bc0c7e2/ep-45-next-level-adventure-erupting-volcanoes-frederick-schuett
- Ep. 40: Ontario Climber Reg Smart, How Passions Finds a Way https://www.livewildradio.com/podcast-1/episode/41917496/ep-40-ontario-climber-reg-smart-how-passion-finds-a-way
- Ep. 24: Gus Alexandropoulos, Ontario Climbing - The History and Politics Of Rock Climbing in Ontario https://www.livewildradio.com/podcast-1/episode/945a47e5/ep-24-gus-alexandropoulos-ontario-climbing-the-history-and-politics-of-rock-climbing-in-ontario

Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Ep.48 - The Why Part II - Reflections on 2020
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
What a long and strange year it has been. In this episode, we reflect on this past year, our reasons for starting the podcast and why we continue to do it today. Despite the weariness that has come from COVID, we are reinvigorated by the turn in direction we've taken with LiveWild Radio. We branched out from just our outdoor and adventure themes to the broader topic of personal growth and finding your passion. Such episodes include talking with other adventurers about a transgender's journey (Ep. 28 - Living Your Truth - Alex Vaillancourt) to mental health (Ep. 27 - Face of Mental Health) to even fishing (Ep. 43 - Next Level Fishing - The Great White Knight). We hope you've enjoyed this year, even with its challenges and thank you for coming along on this journey with us. Here's to new adventures and making new friends in 2021.
Follow us at www.livewildradio.com

Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Ep. 47 World Travels in Search of Wildlife Encounters - Paul Gains
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
We talk to freelance journalist Paul Gains about his career and passion photographing and writing about wildlife. Leaving a lucrative career in sports marketing 26 years ago, Paul became a freelancer journalist following his passion for the outdoors and wildlife. From covering sports in numerous Olympics to hunting for jaguar photos in the jungle of Brazil, Paul has let his interests guide the work he does. Give a listen to entertaining stories and moments of unforgettable humanity he experienced along the way.
- Check Paul out at https://paulgainsphoto.com/

Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Ep. 46 Don't Let Winter Keep You Inside
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
We can complain about how things aren't like they used to be or we can adapt to the challenge and find new things to do. This episode we talk about how to make this winter a fun adventure even though it will mean that many of us have to do things differently.
We talk about embracing outdoor winter sports as they are fun and inherently socially distant. From snowshoeing and cross country skiing to ice climbing and winter camping, don't let Covid keep you from having a great season. We also hit upon some tips to help with the
winter blues and keep on top of your mental health.
While it means having to wear long pants, we've learned to love the challenges that winter brings. Give a listen and find a new winter passion of your own.
Download LiveWild Radio from iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts or where ever you get your podcasts.
Show Notes:
As referenced in this episode:
- Ep. 42: Outdoors for Newbies https://www.livewildradio.com/podcast-1/episode/4282ec1e/ep-42-outdoors-for-newbies
- Ep. 26: Winter Camping https://www.livewildradio.com/podcast-1/episode/3d8e0c32/ep-26-winter-camping-revisited
- Ep. 3: Winter Backpacking https://www.livewildradio.com/podcast-1/episode/628ebb3a/ep-3-winter-backpacking
- Ep. 30: ADK Ranger - Scott Van Laer https://www.livewildradio.com/podcast-1/episode/496f3541/ep-30-adk-ranger-scott-van-laer
- Ep. 32: Quarantine Fitness https://www.livewildradio.com/podcast-1/episode/3e4b0235/ep-32-quarantine-fitness
- Ep. 35: Coping with COVID https://www.livewildradio.com/podcast-1/episode/36cd8ef0/ep-35-coping-with-covid
- Ep. 27 The Faces of Mental Health https://www.livewildradio.com/podcast-1/episode/3a0eb47b/ep-27-the-faces-of-mental-health
Check out our Adventure Blog Library for more resources https://www.livewildradio.com/adventure-library

Monday Nov 09, 2020
Ep. 45 - Next Level Adventure - Erupting Volcanoes - Frederick Schuett
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Monday Nov 09, 2020
We talk to climbing guide and professional rigger, Frederick Schuett, about turning his passion into his career. His expertise evolved to working in the tv and entertainment business rigging stunts. Frederick has taken his talents with ropes and expanded to helping daredevils set world records exploring the Pit of Fire in Turkmenistan and erupting volcanoes all over the world. We have a great time talking about what motivates him and his upcoming adventures around the world.
If you want to learn to rock, ice, mountain climb, do a volcano expedition or make your super hero dreams come true. Contact One AXE Extreme https://oneaxeextreme.com/ or One AXE Pursuits https://www.oneaxepursuits.com/ for their complete COVID friendly programs
Show Notes:
- One AXE Extreme on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/one_axe_extreme/ and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ONE-AXE-Extreme-183804972573530/
- ONE AXE Pursuits on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/oneaxepursuits/?hl=en and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ONE-AXE-Pursuits-106518626061956/
- Rigged George Kourounis’ descent into the Darvaza (Gateway to Hell) in Turkmenistan that appeared on National Geo’s tv show Die Trying and highlighted in the Guinness Book of World Records https://www.nationalgeographic.org/article/entering-door-hell/
- Rigged world’s first traverse over an active volcano, Erta Ale in Ethiopia with Brazilian celebrity Karina Oliani http://karinaoliani.com.br/
- Watch for upcoming longest tightrope walk in the world over an active volcanoes by Bello Nock daredevil https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bello_Nock.Bello is the Guinness World Record holder for the longest time (~8 hours) on a tight rope. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/live-daredevil-seires-volcano-high-wire-special-coming-a-e-1220184
- Bear Grylls https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bear_Grylls

Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
COVID-19 has had a lot of downsides but there have been some silver
linings. We reconnect with our pals Alyssa and Eric about how they
have coped with the changes to the world. From starting a business
with the Win Journal to working from home, they have taken lemons and
made lemonade.
The freedom of remote working has allowed them to move out west and
climb in the Rockies in their free time. And their business of the Win
Journal has flourished even though the rest of the world has ground to
halt for a period.
We also delve into one of our favorite topics on fear and anxiety. What
it does and how it can forge us into better people. Alyssa gives a few
tips to help people to deal with anxiety and the pressures we are all faced with. Download from iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or wherever you get your podcasts.
Show Notes:
- www.thewinjournal.com (20% off for the rest of 2020 using promo code LIVEWILD20)
- The Win Journal’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/thewinjournal/
- The Win Journal Free App: https://thewinjournal.com/pages/the-win-journal-app-free
- Eric and Alyssa's Vanlife Journey on IG: https://www.instagram.com/stealthcampervans/
- Check out our past two podcasts with Eric and Alyssa
- Ep. 24 - Eric and Alyssa on Engineering Your Best Life: #VanLife, Climbing Adventures and Mental Health https://www.livewildradio.com/podcast-1/episode/422ac56b/ep-22-eric-and-alyssa-on-engineering-your-best-life-vanlife-climbing-adventures-and-mental-health
- Ep. 27 - Faces of Mental Health https://www.livewildradio.com/podcast-1/episode/3a0eb47b/ep-27-the-faces-of-mental-health

Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Ep. 43 - Next Level Fishing – Ron Derschner, The Great White Knight
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Follow Ron, The Great White Knight on Instagram to see his latest exploits and get some great tips.
Download from iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher or wherever you get your podcasts.
Follow LiveWild Radio on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook or www.livewildradio.com.

Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Ep. 42 - Outdoors for Newbies
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
A side effect of Covid has been a dramatic increase in new outdoors people. When you aren't allowed to travel and do your usual summer activities it is natural that people will head outside where it is easy to social distance. With this influx of new outdoor users come a number of new challenges. In this episode we aim to help educate people on principles of Leave No Trace, animal issues and how to poop in the woods. No one is born knowing how to behave in the outdoors so give a listen and learn how to be a good steward of our wild places.
Download from iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or where ever you get your podcasts.
Follow LiveWild Radio at Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, www.livewildradio.com

Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Ep. 41 - Collingwood Earthship - Matt Code
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Not all adventures are in the forest. In this episode we talk to Matt Code who built his very own earth ship in Collingwood, Ontario. After an afternoon of mountain biking we sat down in his dining room to talk about what an earth ship is and what it is like to have a low impact sustainable home. From reusing rainwater and storing the heat of the sun in the walls to generating electrical power with solar panels, his home is home is as close to being off the grid as it can while still being located in town. Interested in passing on the skills and knowledge he has gained, Matt has built a community both online and in real life of people interested in learning how to build their own sustainable homes and grow their own food.
Give a listen to learn how our homes can change our environmental impact.
To learn more about the earth ship movement visit Matt's website
See a virtual tour of his home.
Download from iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher or wherever you get your podcasts.
Show Notes:
• Collingwood Earthship Video Tour
• Collingwood Earthship Workshops
• Earthship Ontario Facebook Group
• Matt's Community Garden - Free Spirit Gardens
• Mike Reynolds (Earthship Pioneer)
• Earthship Biotecture School by Michael Reynolds
• Intro on What is an Earthship by Michael Reynolds:
o Garbage Warrior
o New Solutions
Follow Collingwood Earthship on Facebook and YouTube
Follow LiveWild Radio at Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, www.livewildradio.com or where ever you download your podcasts.